Kenyan marathon runners have a proverb that says “if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go in company”. Since 1987, we have closed more than 300 deals and experience has demonstrated us two things: (1) there are no good businesses, but good teams, and (2) short-term strategy has to take into consideration the long-term objective.
After almost 30 years of experience, we take advantage of our expertise in different industries adding value to the investments.
As shareholders, we believe that companies need to have their own life so we avoid making noise with our investments.
Each company is unique in its situation and characteristics at the moment of the investment. Therefore, when deciding the type of investment or the amount to invest, we take into account issues such as the company’s nature, shareholders’ structure, industry conditions, competition, and current and future situation, among others
Our fund is focused on Patient Capital investments. We do not have pressure to exit. We seek to stay in the medium and long-term in order to grow together with our portfolio companies. We choose the targets in which we can add value, help and strengthen their growth.
We take very seriously all the sensible and confidential information manage in the negotiation process. Therefore, we always act with a methodology focused on managing all the information shared during this phase, in a secure and efficient way. Trust is key for a long-term relation, and we believe that the best moment to start growing this trust is at the beginning.
Gordon was founded in Barcelona, Catalonia, where the wisdoms of the seny and rauxa are important symbols. Seny means listening to others to understand their position, learn from them and establish a better approach before taking action. Rauxa is the passion that takes you to act beyond logic seeking an ambitious objective. Balancing both approaches will depend on each circumstance, and when succeeded, some will say it is luck, while others say it is intelligence.
Gordon is composed of 20 members from family offices based mainly in Spain, as well as in Germany, U.S.A., Israel and the Middle East.
We invest in (1) companies with growth potential and (2) industries where we can add value.
Be welcomed in a cordial environment that facilitates the analysis and a joint search for solutions.
A minimum EBITDA of 2 million euros (or reachable in the short-term). A proven business model, with critical mass that can solve setbacks, undertake attractive growth plans and attract good teams.
The success of this kind of deals is based on an analysis and an action plan without any external interference.
The operations should conclude within 3 months. This guarantees the parties’ interest, discretion and an efficient use of resources.
The objective is sustainable long-term dividend. This is the differential variable with respect to other investors or entrepreneurs.
Absolute flexibility. Each project´s structure adapts to the needs of each investment.
Gordon partners have concluded investments in the following industries.
9 deals
45 deals
53 deals
1 deal
11 deals
53 deals
2 deals
21 deals
2 deals
10 deals
41 deals
26 deals
17 deals
27 deals
7 deals
We seek long-term value. We firmly believe that short-term value should be the seed for the long run. Accordingly, seeking a competitive advantage, that is different but sustainable at the same time, is an important element to be considered in our investments. Gordon’s partners have invested in most of the industrial countries around the world, as well as in the main sectors, building a solid industry expertise. Each year, Gordon performs a research in collaboration with independent experts in order to obtain its own source of information and analysis.
Ask us any questions. We are happy to offer support.